The journey makes you a pilgrim…

I was just putting the final touches to part of our Camino talk (which is on the 11th of September) and came across this verse. It is actually taken from a YouTube video, made by Andrew Suzuki...the same man who has created the brilliant "Don't Stop Walking" and "Beyond the Way" series. I thought I'd write it... Continue Reading →

Another Camino…yes? no?

It's amazing what a weekend away with Camino buddies can do for the soul. Before I took the trip down to Limerick, I was really doubting if I was going to return to Spain in 2016. I need a break, I want it to be fresh when I return and I don't want to be... Continue Reading →


Another weekend approaches I say to myself with glee. I am Limerick-bound tomorrow to walk a few stages of the Lough Derg Way with some Camino buddies. The weather isn't forecast to be the best unfortunately but I am bringing along my new Altus to test it out. In all, I will be walking 30km... Continue Reading →

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